Posts by Annemarie Thurgood

Liz, D&T, Training Year 2023-24

After many years of being a part time stay at home mum, I decided to fulfil my dream of becoming a teacher. As soon as I began my placement everything…
Design and Technology Teaching

Trainees get stuck into subject pathway

Subject pathway is an element of the GITEP course we are particularly proud of as it allows our trainees to really engage with subject teaching whilst being embedded in their…

Applications for Teacher Training Now OPEN!

If you are interested in a career in teaching, applications for teacher training in the 2024-2025 academic year are now open. Visit the Get Into Teaching website and see our webpage on…

Warm Welcome from our Partnership Schools

Prospective trainee teachers have been receiving a warm welcome from our Partnership Schools already this term, to find out more about teaching and get experience meeting teachers and observing lessons. Pittville…


Schools from across Gloucestershire hosted the first GITEP ITAP Weeks – Intensive Training and Practice weeks supported by lectures and workshops provided by local experts. This was the first of…
Trainee teachers in one of our intensive training and practice weeks (GITEP ITAP Weeks)

Balcarras Teaching School Hub Taster Day

Find out about the routes into secondary teaching and meet with course providers, current and past ITT trainees on Thursday 3rd April, 8:45am – 1:45pm

Balcarras Teaching School Hub provides teacher training and development

Odyssey Teacher Taster Days at Pate’s

The Odyssey Teaching School Hub is holding it’s next Secondary Teacher Taster Days at Pate’s Grammar School, Cheltenham, on Monday 12th May from 9:30am.

Odyssey Teaching School Hub provides teacher training and professional development

ITAP (Intensive Training and Practice) Week

Our teacher training course focuses strongly on subject specificity, with distinctive weekly subject pathway sessions and an extra four weeks set aside for intensive training and practice. These additional sessions…
Trainee teachers enjoying some intensive training