Assessment Only Route to QTS

If you have a degree and significant classroom experience, you may be eligible to gain QTS within twelve weeks through this route.

Entry requirements

To be eligible to achieve QTS via the Assessment Only route you must:

  • Be employed in a school in a teaching role, with a timetable consisting of a minimum of 50% of an experienced teacher’s timetable.
  • Hold GCSEs at level 4/grade C or above in English language and maths, plus science if you want to teach in primary.
  • Hold a degree from a UK higher education institution or equivalent qualification. If your degree was completed outside of the UK you will need to provide an ENIC statement to demonstrate the comparability of your qualification.
  • Have undertaken at least two years of teaching experience that includes evidence of whole class teaching with sole responsibility for planning, marking, assessing, and reporting on pupils’ work.
  • For the primary phase you need to be teaching the full curriculum including the core subjects of maths, literacy – phonics and science as well as a range of foundation subjects such as geography, history, art and music.
  • Once enrolled on this route you will need to provide a detailed written justification and evidence from prior experience that demonstrates you meet the Department for Education’s Teachers’ Standards without the need for further training.
  • Provide evidence of having taught in at least two schools.
  • Provide evidence that you meet the Teachers’ Standards across a minimum of two consecutive age ranges for your chosen teaching specialism.
  • Demonstrate the required fundamental skills in maths and English as defined by the Department for Education.

How does it work?

  1. Submit an application form to GITEP SCITT course leaders. This must include a supporting statement from your current headteacher/principal.
  2. Attend a pre-assessment meeting. This can take place within your school setting or at the GITEP SCITT office. At the pre-assessment meeting you will provide your written justification and evidence for each of the 8 Teachers’ Standards.
  3. We will then arrange a face-to-face visit in your school to perform two lesson observations and review your written justification and evidence again, to verify that you meet the English Teachers’ Standards and other criteria before recommending you for QTS assessment.
  4. Everything will be reviewed through GITEP SCITT internal moderation processes and a QTS panel. The Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) will award QTS based on the final recommendation from these processes.

This process, from Steps 2-5 above, must be concluded within twelve weeks during term time.

How much does it cost?

  • The fees for this route are £3000, paid to GITEP SCITT by your school or by you.
  • If it is concluded by GITEP SCITT that evidence presented at the pre-assessment meeting does not demonstrate meeting the Teachers’ Standards, you will have the opportunity to present further evidence for review at the final assessment meeting, or you may choose to withdraw at this stage and receive a refund of 75% of the total fees.
  • If you require support from GITEP SCITT with meeting the eligibility criterion of experience in two schools (see below) there will be an additional cost of £500.

Eligibility for the Assessment Only Route if you have not taught in 2 schools

You will need to have:

  • A second school experience of at least 6 weeks
  • Teaching 50-80% of a full timetable
  • Full responsibility, eg: planning, teaching and marking, for at least one class.
  • Confirmation from the second school that you have met the Teacher’s Standards

This must be completed before you apply for the Assessment Only route. GITEP SCITT may be able to support you with this.
