University of Bristol PGCE

Since 2018 GITEP SCITT has been working in partnership with the University of Bristol to provide the academic PGCE part of our training programme. We are delighted to be working with a university with an international reputation for educational research. 

We are proud to be the only SCITT working with the university. This partnership brings together two outstanding providers of initial teacher training and our large partnership of schools, creating an initial teacher training programme of real quality. Both GITEP and the university focus only on secondary teacher training.

PGCE awarded by the University of Bristol

GITEP SCITT trainees will be recommended for Qualified Teacher Status and assessed against the Teachers’ Standards by GITEP SCITT. They will also receive a PGCE, with 60 Master’s credits, from the University of Bristol.  A full Master’s degree is 180 credits.

University tutors will attend professional studies and subject sessions in Cheltenham or Gloucester to give some input for assignments and provide guidance on research methods. In addition, trainees are registered as students with the university, giving them access to the university’s extensive education library and the full range of student services – all just outside Gloucestershire and easily accessible by public transport or car (for details of how to get there, university maps and a virtual tour, go to:

Alongside their school-based training trainees complete three assignments, supported by school-based training managers and subject leaders. Each assignment is worth 20 Master’s credits, with assignments assessed by university tutors.

This partnership has been very successful. Since 2018, 99.5% of GITEP SCITT trainees gained PGCE with the full 60 Master’s credits, with a third or better gaining a distinction each year.

teach glos
Gloucestershire Association of Secondary Headteachers