Gloucestershire – a great place to train and to teach!
Gloucestershire NQTs

Amid reports of a crisis in teacher recruitment, GITEP is once again bucking the trend, proving that Gloucestershire is a great place to train to teach and to teach. Now partnered with the University of Bristol for PGCE, their applicant numbers are up from last year and they are looking forward to signing up even more excellent trainee teachers for the next academic year. These NQTs explain the attraction of training and working in Gloucestershire’s schools:

NQT Jonathan Margetts studied journalism at university but literature was his major interest. He has been teaching English full time for six months since completing his PGCE:
“I just love books: love reading them, love talking about them! I was so happy to get a job at Sir Thomas Rich’s – it’s a great environment and I absolutely love the atmosphere and camaraderie. We get on well with the kids we teach and they like learning, which is wonderful as it means we can get on with teaching, rather than playing games. I feel I’ve brought in a passion and enthusiasm for the subject. The boys are now enjoying the subject and their attainment level has shot up – which has helped me as I think they may have had the impression, initially, that I was doing it all wrong! I like to give feedback in class so the children get a sense of pride in their work and know when they have produced stand out work. It encourages them to do better. A lot of my friends went into journalism and compared to that, the hours in teaching aren’t bad. Opportunities arise fairly quickly when you put the work in – I’ve been asked by the Head of English to run Key Stage 3 from next term, which is really exciting.”

Ellen Jauncey, a Business Studies & Economics NQT in her first year of teaching says:
“I studied  account and financial management at university but it wasn’t really for me, so I applied to train to teach. It’s what I’d always wanted to do but I’d been put off by all the negative press about it. I’m so glad I followed my heart and did it – it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Every day is different and you can see the impact that you’re having on the kids. It makes the hard work, (evenings and weekends spent marking and planning) worth it when they’re really engaged in your subject and doing well. The training is quite difficult but you can really enjoy it if you throw yourself into it. The right school makes all the difference – having a good support network and other trainees or NQTs around helps you to pick yourself back up on days when things don’t go to plan or something somebody says makes you feel demoralised. Marking to a tight deadline can be stressful but my colleagues have helped with strategies to reduce the workload and use my time more effectively. That’s great support to have because, as an NQT, you can easily fall into the trap of overworking yourself. Teaching is so rewarding, I can’t imagine doing anything else – I love it!”

For NQT Clare Parry, in her first year of teaching Art, there are so many positives to teaching:
“It was daunting when I started but I can now talk in front of 30 students – real progress. I feel very privileged to be here – I love it! When I met the staff I knew that it was where I wanted to be. There’s a lot of negative press about teaching but everybody here is passionate about what they do, starting with the Head, who has a real commitment to training and holds regular support sessions for NQTs. In turn, the trainees and NQTs who come through the school bring new ideas and fresh enthusiasm. If you have a real passion for your subject, why not teach it and share that inspiration and knowledge.”


Tags: GITEP, Gloucestershire, NQTs, Teacher recruitment