Primary Online Information Events

Learn all about becoming a Primary School teacher at one of Odyssey Teaching School Hub’s Online Information Events. Our next event is Monday 24th March.

Odyssey Teaching School Hub provides teacher training and professional development

Science subject pathway

Trainee teachers of Biology, Chemistry and Physics all follow the Science Subject Pathway, guided by Subject Lead Emmaline Fletcher-Sykes. As the majority of secondary school science teachers will need to teach elements of all three…
Training to teach science

Great to get together again!

Earlier this month, we got together with all of the Training Managers from our partnership schools and our Subject Leaders for a network meeting. A big thanks to Cleeve School for providing…
Training at the Hub

GITEP SCITT PGCE Partner University Rated ‘Outstanding’

GITEP SCITT’s partner to provide the postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) qualification, the University of Bristol has achieved an outstanding judgement in its latest Ofsted inspection of secondary teacher training.

Uni of Bristol