Are you interested in becoming a Primary School Teacher? Find out if it’s the career for you at the next Primary Train to Teach Open Morning on Tuesday 8th April
Teacher training
Primary Online Information Events
Learn all about becoming a Primary School teacher at one of Odyssey Teaching School Hub’s Online Information Events. Our next event is Monday 24th March.
Mental health matters
As part of their training, GITEP trainees spend time focusing on how to support their pupils’ mental health and last week this included an exceptional, interactive session with Tom Hoskins, CEO of Chance is Change, who works with schools and young people across Gloucestershire.
Trainees get stuck into subject pathway
Subject pathway is an element of the GITEP course we are particularly proud of as it allows our trainees to really engage with subject teaching whilst being embedded in their…
Applications for Teacher Training Now OPEN!
If you are interested in a career in teaching, applications for teacher training in the 2024-2025 academic year are now open. Visit the Get Into Teaching website and see our webpage on…
Schools from across Gloucestershire hosted the first GITEP ITAP Weeks – Intensive Training and Practice weeks supported by lectures and workshops provided by local experts. This was the first of…
Odyssey Teacher Taster Days at Pate’s
The Odyssey Teaching School Hub is holding it’s next Secondary Teacher Taster Days at Pate’s Grammar School, Cheltenham, on Monday 12th May from 9:30am.
ITAP (Intensive Training and Practice) Week
Our teacher training course focuses strongly on subject specificity, with distinctive weekly subject pathway sessions and an extra four weeks set aside for intensive training and practice. These additional sessions…
GITEP rated by Ofsted as ‘Outstanding’ again!
Ofsted carried out their inspection of GITEP SCITT back in May. Until now we’ve had to keep their findings to ourselves but now their report has been published. We are…
Practical makes perfect
Our trainee science Teachers enjoyed a great pathway session exploring practical work. This session was aimed at developing domain and procedural knowledge to build understanding and skill from observation and…